Statement of Philosophy
Welcome To Our Family
At Creative Kids Educare Centre a sense of belonging is created by building secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships with each child, family, community and our dedicated team members. A warm hand of friendship is offered with every child and family member being valued.
Our centre works in partnership with our families where we respect the role of parents and families. We believe that by sharing knowledge and experiences that this has significant learning benefits for every child assisting to build upon their sense of identity and wellbeing.
Being in the moment or present embracing everyday experiences through childcentred learning, learning through play and intentional teaching allows for each child to be themselves and learn at their own pace. We understand that every child learns differently and our passionate, caring and nurturing organisation of educators hold high expectations and equity believing in all children have the capacity to succeed and viewing all children as confident and involved learners.
(Theorist) – Fleming: Optimal learning demands that children in our care receive instruction tailored made to their learning styles.
At Creative Kids we respect diversity, acknowledging values, experiences and beliefs of individual families and different cultures. Children learn about diversity through connecting with and contributing to learning experiences that empower learning about our multicultural and indigenous country.
Our implemented programs focus upon ongoing learning and reflective practices using our planning cycle. The program caters for individual, small group and whole group learning incorporating the Early Years Learning Framework, (EYLF), Principles, Practices, developmental milestones, theorist’s and the NQS – National Quality Standards. Our educators provide this documented learning and evidence through the electronic platform Kindy hub, classroom displays, checklists, photographs/videos, children’s voices and artwork.
Becoming part of the Creative Kids family means you are home. A place where children can learn, grow, effectively communicate their wants, needs and interests and to feel safe, secure and supported in their ongoing learning journey.
Written in consultation with management, educators, families and through listening to children’s voices.
Reviewed April 2021 • Date for review April 2022
Source: Early years learning framework and the guiding principles of the national quality framework.
Regulatory authority Gold Coast, national regulations and law (2011-653)